Romans Pancs does research on markets and auctions and is interested in supervising students who wish to work on microeconomic theory in general.
His personal webpage contains links to his publications and ongoing work.
Romans Pancs does research on markets and auctions and is interested in supervising students who wish to work on microeconomic theory in general.
His personal webpage contains links to his publications and ongoing work.
Shaun McRae is an Assistant Professor in the Centro de Investigación Económica and Department of Economics at ITAM. His fields of specialization are Energy and Environmental Economics and Industrial Organization. Shaun's research includes studies of electricity tariff and subsidy design in developing countries, the analysis of market performance in restructured electricity markets, the study of driving and gasoline purchase behavior, and the analysis of investments in pipeline infrastructure. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.
Tridib’s research focuses on dynamic games, mechanism design and experimental economics. His current research projects pertain to dynamic cheap talk and balanced prior free mechanisms. Tridib is also involved in studying data generated from experiments on correlated equilibria.
Mauricio Romero is an assistant professor of economics at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
Born and raised in Colombia, he earned an B.A in economics (summa cum laude) and a B.A. in mathematics (cum laude) from Universidad de los Andes, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, San Diego.
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